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The Battle of New Gaius was an last major battle that took place in 4E 197 in New Gaius between the Varian Empire and Ynslean crime family.[1][UL 1]


Marcella and her army set sail and land on island of Esroniet, an island-nation located in between the continents of Tamriel and Akavir. Marcella then enter to port-city of Black Harbor, and took it.[2] After quick victory, Marcella Varian was plans to re-conquer on continent of Akavir, which was failed attempted by her other ancestor, Uriel V but she shouldn't take a risk. In the same year, Marcella plan to conqueror the island of Yneslea in 4E 197, which known as the Yneslea Campaign, but as she got their along her fellow generals, including Legate Rikke. The Ynslean crime family was an crime family from formerly Imperial soldiers and was now an bandit family.[UL 1]

The battle[]

Marcella and her imperial army, accompanying by generals and cousin set sail to Yneslea. At her surprised, it wasn't an easy conquered, they were ambushed and attacked by crime family, at family's first shoot may or not or the battle wounded Marcella Varian-seriously and refused to take medical treatment, the Imperial Legion wipe out the Ynsleans but did lose about 150,000 troops. Must of Yneslean crime family members were captured or killed.[1][UL 1]


Marcella then captured the island after few day-battle. The crime family make their finally defeated during the battle of New Caius. After conquered Yneslea, it marked Marcella's conquest on Padomaic ocean once more.[1][UL 1]


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