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For the deity apotheosized from Tiber Septim, see Talos.
For other uses, see Septim.
"Tiber Septim brought peace to Tamriel in 2E 896, by conquering all of the known world. Thus began the Third Era."
―Loading Screen[src]

Emperor Tiber Septim, also called Talos,[5] Hjalti Early-Beard,[1] General Talos Stormcrown,[3] the Red King,[6] the Warrior-King,[7] Ysmir,[3] and Septim I,[8] is a founder of the Septim Dynasty and the first Emperor of the Third Empire, who later become a god-hero of the Ten Divines. He is regarded as one of Tamriel's most famous figures, having been the only one in history to unite the continent. Starting with his service under the Cyrodilic emperor Cuhlecain, Tiber Septim fought under the name "General Talos" to unify Cyrodiil, eventually succeeding or usurping Cuchlecain and becoming emperor.[3][1] After his unification of Tamriel, an effort that culminated in the birth of the Third Empire, he ended the lengthy Interregnum and began the Third Era.[9] Upon his death he became the deity Talos and took his place in the pantheon of the Divines.[5][10]


Early life[]

Tiber was born on the 24th of Mid Year in year 2E 828.[11][12] Little known of his early life, which there are two commonly accepted theories and is a matter of great debate, with the first usually taking precedent over the latter.


Talos farewells the king of atmora

Tiber farewells the King of Atmora.

The most commonly accepted story within the Empire is that Tiber Septim was born in Atmora as Talos, meaning Stormcrown in Ehlnofex, hence Talos Stormcrown.[3] He had a brother named Agnorith.[9] He spends his early life in Skyrim, later became a General of the Colovian Estates under King (and later Emperor) Cuhlecain. Talos met the combined army of Skyrim and High Rock, who were hostile to Cuhlecain, on the cliffs of a fort called Sancre Tor which Tiber defeat the Nordic-Breton army.[13][14] The Nordic army joined Talos when they saw him use the thu'um, that his blood is the blood of the Dragon and heir to the Empires of Men.[3]

Cuhlecain and Talos marched east and the enemy's battlemages surrendered before their armies. In 2E 854, they conquered the Imperial City result in they gained the full control over Cyrodiil.[15] In the same year, while days Cuhlecain was crowned as Emperor, a Breton nightblade managed to assassinate Cuhlecain and slit Talos's throat, burning the palace in the process. While Talos survived, he could no longer shout but instead leading his armies with a whisper.[3] Talos had an affair with Barenziah of Morrowind, who became pregnant. Talos quickly had the unborn child aborted to prevent conflict with his legitimate heir.[16]


Tiber Septim Redguard

Tiber Septim (middle), with Amiel Richton (right).

Third Empire banner (Redguard)

A banner of the Third Empire during the events of Redguard.

Tiber was born as Hjalti Early-Beard on the island of Alcaire, in High Rock where he was learned to use a sword.[1][17] The Nords and Bretons been fighting for centuries at the northern border of Falkreath, a kingdom in the Colovian Estates. At the age of twenty, Hjalti led the forces of Skyrim against the Reachmen of High Rock. During those days he met Cuhlecain, the king of Falkreath, who came to secure his northern border.[1][3] They soon became allies, result the King named Hjalti, general of the joined forces. While Hjalti was a shrewd tactician, his small band of Colovian troops and Nord berserkers broke the Reachmen's line, forcing them back beyond the gates of Old Hrol'dan.[1][18] A siege seemed impossible, Hjalti could expect no reinforcements from Falkreath, and that night a storm came and visited Hjalti's camp. Hidden in the storm, Wulfharth, a long-dead Nordic king, spoke with him in his tent and taught him the Way of the Voice. By dawn of the morning, Hjalti went up to the gates, and the storm followed just above his head and where he shouted down the walls of Old Hrol'dan, and his men poured in. After their victory, the Nords called Hjalti "Talos", meaning "Stormcrown".[3]

While Cuhlecain was intended to crown himself emperor, but Talos was still haunted by the prophecy given him by the Greybeards. Before Cuhlecain could be sworn as emperor, Talos secretly murdered him and the Imperial Palace burned to the ground in action, and Talos slit his own throat to take the suspicion off of him. While he order to hide his involvement in the assassination, a lie was made that Tiber's own throat was cut.[1] Though he lived, Tiber's voice failed him. To prevent Cyrodiil from falling apart again, he approached Zurin Arctus, the Grand Battlemage, and crowned himself as Emperor of Cyrodiil. Following the assassination, Hjalti had enlisted the help of both Ysmir Wulfharth and Zurin Arctus to help administer the empire. Ysmir had consistently pushing for further invasions of Hammerfell and Morrowind, but Tiber resisted his urgings which resulted in Wulfharth ultimately left Tiber in disgust at his inaction.[1]

A friend of Tiber, General Symmachus who become great in his own right, brought Barenziah to the Imperial City where they fell in love. Tiber and Barenziah engaged in an affair but it was soon discovered that Barenziah was pregnant, but soon that she was pregnant, Tiber determined that he could not allow such a threat to his son's dominion and so ordered a healer to force Barenziah to miscarry. Barenziah was dispatched from the Imperial City very soon after this.[16]

The Conquest of Tamriel[]

The human kingdoms were conquered, even Hammerfell, which was predicted to be an arduous task. After sending the commander of the New West Navy Amiel Richton to Stros M'kai, the Battle of Stros M'kai had begun. Richton's assassin Dram shot a poisoned arrow at Hammerfell's Prince A'Tor, killing him and defeating the last of the Crown resistance. After this Tiber Septim appointed Amiel Richton as provisional governor of the island.[19] After the conquest of Hammerfell, Tiber turned to Morrowind. Following some initial skirmishes and after increasing internal friction between Morrowind's Great Houses, a treaty was signed by either Tiber or Zurin Arctus. This included Vivec giving the Numidium to Tiber in exchange for a higher degree of autonomy and self-rule for Morrowind.[20]

After receiving the Numidium from the Tribunal, Tiber Septim summoned Wulfharth back to his court, saying that he had been right all along. On his return, Tiber seized him and had his soul ripped out to power the Mantella, a soul gem that functioned as the power source for Numidium. this allowed the device to be activated and complete Tiber's conquest of the Summerset Isles.[20][1] Tiber completing his conquest of Tamriel in 2E 896.[21][9]

Godhood and Divine Deeds[]

Talos Stained Glass

A stained glass window of Tiber Septim as Talos.

"Talos says: Be strong for war. Be bold against enemies and evil, and defend the people of Tamriel."
Eleven Commands: Ten Divines

After celebrating the Oak Jubilee,[note 3] his 80 year anniversary of his reign in the pervious year, Talos died in 3E 38, and was succeeded by his grandson, Pelagius.[22][23][9][24] Sources suggest that he died due to old age at 108 years old,[25] while others claimed to be fatally wounded in the unmentioned Second Battle of Sancre Tor, making him at 106 years old in 3E 36.[13] After his death Tiber is believed by most to have ascended to godhood. He became Talos again, the God of Governance, for after a lifetime of war, he had united Tamriel for the first time in history. Upon his ascension the Eight Divines became the Nine,[26] until the ascension of Marcella Varian 740-years later, which the Nine becomes the Ten.[10]

During the Great War between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion, a peace agreement was reached, with one of its stipulations being that the Empire would no longer recognize Talos as one of the Divines.[27] Once it became known that the Empire was not strictly enforcing the Talos ban, the Thalmor took action, removing all shrines dedicated to him from temples in Empire-loyal towns.[28][29]

Throughout the Third Era, Talos would leave his mark on history several times. In 3E 427, his avatar, Wulf, appeared to the Nerevarine during the latter's quest to defeat Dagoth Ur. Wulf gifted the Nerevarine an Old Man's Lucky Coin, said to bring luck to its bearer.[30] Talos' influence grew even more significant during the Oblivion Crisis. To recover the Amulet of Kings from Mankar Camoran, the blood of a Divine was required. Since no blood of the Eight Divines was available, the blood encrusted on the Armor of Tiber Septim was used to fulfill the requirement.[31] Talos' divine power would also prove crucial in the battle against Umaril the Unfeathered. To follow the Pilgrim's Path and speak with Pelinal Whitestrake, the next Divine Crusader had to pray at Talos' Wayshrine of Tiber Septim, reaffirming his divinity.[32] Despite Pelinal's failure to defeat Umaril due to his limited power, the Blessing of Talos enabled the Hero of Kvatch to pursue Umaril into the spirit realm and ultimately defeat him.[33][34]

In the Fourth Era, the war between the Third Aldmeri Dominion and the Fourth Empire, known as the Great War, culminated in the signing of the White-Gold Concordat. Two provisions of the treaty severely impacted the remaining Empire, one of which banned the worship of Talos.[35] Following the Markarth Incident, the Emperor was compelled to allow the Thalmor entry into Skyrim,[36] as the Empire had violated the treaty by openly allowing Talos worship.[37] As enforcers of the treaty, the Thalmor Justiciars were sent to Skyrim to eradicate Talos worship.[38][39] The enforcement of the Talos ban ignited a civil war within Skyrim.[40][41] In Solitude, Talos' shrine was dismantled in compliance with the Concordat,[42] while in Whiterun, Riften, and Windhelm, the priests of Talos supported Ulfric Stormcloak.[43][44] Despite the ban, many Nords still hold Talos in reverence.[45] If the Stormcloaks emerge victorious in the civil war, Talos worship will once again be allowed in Skyrim.[46]

An Imperial Liason to the Aldmeri Dominion wrote a book in which Talos worship was outlawed due to sincere beliefs.[47] However, as a Liason, their job is to keep relations between the Empire and Dominion intact. Contrary to the claim in the book that the Empire and Thalmor want centuries of peace, it is contradicted by both members of the Legion[48][49] and the Thalmor.[38][50]

During the Fifth Era, Talos and Marcella, who is under her aspect Nelilia Sedaleth, travel to Solstheim and uncover the truth about the return of Miraak. Miraak challenged the gods to a duel, which led to Marcella accept the offer under her aspect while Talos traveled back to Aetherius before the defeat of Miraak by Marcella.[51]


"Septim's no Cyrodiil from what I've heard, though he rules their remnants and rebuilds their Empire; he's something worse, or greater, depending on your disposition to the center sun. [...] For the last four hundred years the petty kings of Cyrodiil have been squabbling over the title of Emperor, all claiming forbearance -- Imperial throne's blood's thinner than a sea dream and half as wet."

The exact race of Tiber Septim is unknown, but what is known is that he was not a Mer or Beastfolk, but a subspecies of Men.[26]

If the statement that he is from Alcaire is true, then he was most likely a Breton. According to Kier-jo, General Stormcrown was a Breton, not a Nord.[UL 1] Marcella Varian says that Tiber is a Breton, and considered him as a "manmer".[52] Kyne also refers to him as a "manmer" in Michael Kirkbride's C0DA, and Bretons are both man and mer.[UL 2]

If the statement that he is from Atmora is true, then he was most likely an Atmoran or Nord.[3] Some sources say that Septim was an Atmoran, but not a Nord.[UL 3] Heimskr says that Tiber Septim was a Nord.[26]

During the Tiber Wars, it was said that Tiber Septim was not an Imperial, which was not uncommon for Emperors during the Interregnum regardless.[53] His avatar, Wulf, however, is also an Imperial, who is stated to look like the figure on the Septim coins, which would imply that Tiber Septim might have been an Imperial.[54] While some sources even suggest that Tiber had mixed ancestry.[UL 4]

Physical appearance[]

Tiber Septim was described by Queen Barenziah. He was of average height, half a head shorter than Symmachus, well-knit of figure and flexible of movement. He had a winning smile, bright blue eyes, and his hair was stark white, while his face was lined and weathered. Barenziah presumed his age ranged from forty to sixty years old at the time.[16] Other features of Tiber Septim were a ruthless brow and powerful chin.[55]


Tiber Septim Imperial City Statue

A statue of Tiber Septim in the Imperial City.

Upon the death of Pelagius Septim, Tiber Septim's line switched to Pelagius' cousin Kintyra and her heirs, who were the descendants of Tiber Septim's brother, Agnorith.[56] Tiber Septim was the founder of the Septim Dynasty, which ruled Tamriel for the entire Third Era until the bloodline died out with Martin Septim.[57][58][59] Fort Tiber, located near the border between Cyrodiil and Skyrim is named after Tiber Septim.[60] He is the only emperor who had celebrated a 80-year anniversary which called the Oak Jubilee in 3E 37,[UL 5] however the celebration of the jubilee is unknown.[note 4] According to Tamrielic historians, Tiber's regnal length years of his reign, the most common is the total of 81 years, while other sources labeled his reign of 42 years, due to establishment of the Third Empire in 2E 896. If this were true, that means that Tiber celebrated the second Silver and Ruby jubilees.[UL 5]

Tribunal goddess Almalexia commissioned an expansion of Mournhold as a reaction to Septim's rising greatness, returning the city to its former glory since its destruction in 1E 2920. The expansion was finished in the early Third Era.[UL 6] An aspect of Tiber Septim appeared in 3E 427, as a retired Imperial Legionnaire named Wulf. He aids the Nerevarine by asking him to keep his lucky coin while they journey to Red Mountain on their quest to defeat Dagoth Ur. Later, an Imperial priest in Ebonheart tells the Nerevarine that Wulf may have actually been a divine manifestation of Tiber Septim and that this visitation may be "a sign of great doom" for the Hero.[61] Wulf's dialogue regarding the weakening empire and old emperor later occurred during the Oblivion Crisis of 3E 433, with the Septim bloodline ending with Martin Septim's sacrifice.[62]

Tiber is known for numbers of titles, including nicknames and aliases. He is known as the "Red King",[63] "Scion of Emperors", "King of Earth and Sky", "Lord of Shining Hosts", "Guarantor of Right and Justice", "Broad Blessing of Thrones and Powers", "Cynosure of Celestial Glory", and "Protector of Oathman, Feeman and Yeoman".[64] As a Dragonborn (or Dovahkiin), Tiber had earned titles such as Ysmir,[65][66] and "Dragon Prince". His status as Dragonborn emperor since the Reman Dynasty, such as the "Warrior Emperor",[67] "Heir to the Empires of Man",[3] and "Heir to the Seat of Sundered Kings".[65] During the time of war during his conquest of Tamriel during the Tiber Wars, he is known as the "Warrior-King".[7]

Conflicting reports[]

There are still conflicting reports about Tiber's life due to many aspects of his early reign being rewritten, and this is why there is such confusion over his origins. Brought up by Ysmir in The Arcturian Heresy:

  • His birthplace is left as a matter of debate. Aclaire claims to be the birthplace of Tiber Septim, while various other sources suggest that he was born in Atmora.
  • Tiber Septim begins to change in character and personality after his roaring conquests.
  • It is left unclear why Tiber Septim betrayed his battlemage.
  • It is unknown whether the Mantella is the heart of the battlemage, the heart of Ysmir, or the heart of Tiber Septim.
  • There's no documented evidence of Tiber Septim did or not celebrated his jubilees. Although modern Cyrodilic historians labeling Tiber did in fact after the introduction of the celebrating a jubilee for monarchs.


Totem of Tiber Septim[]

Totem in inventory

The Totem in Daggerfall.

Main article: Totem of Tiber Septim

The Totem of Tiber Septim is an artifact that allows its bearer to control the golem Numidium, the ancient Dwemer construct. It was forged or created at the end of the Second Era by the Imperial Battlemage Zurin Arctus to allow Emperor Tiber Septim to use the golem in his conquest of Tamriel.[68] However the Totem, along with the Numidium, was lost and the automaton was destroyed by the Underking. It was known to have resurfaced in the Iliac Bay region some time around 3E 401.[69] After changing hands several times over the next few years, it was recovered by a a mysterious adventurer who was send Emperor Uriel Septim VII.[70]

Armor of Tiber Septim[]

Imperial Dragon Cuirass

The armor in Oblivion.

Main article: Armor of Tiber Septim

The Armor of Tiber Septim, also known as "Imperial Dragon Armor", was a set of armor that once worn by Tiber during his reign as Emperor, and it was most notably worn by Tiber during his declaration of the end of the Second Era, and beginning of the Third Era. It was generally reserved exclusively for the Emperor.[71] Before his death, Tiber give the armor to the Blades to honor their role in the Battle of Sancre Tor. However the Blades erected a shrine to Tiber in Sancre Tor, on the spot he received the blessing of Akatosh sometime after where the armor would remain there for many centuries.[72] During the end of the Third Era and events of the Oblivion Crisis, the armor proved to be instrumental in ending the Crisis as the Hero of Kvatch plundered the artifact from Sancre Tor, and used his blood stains to satisfy the need for the "blood of the Divines" to open a portal to Mankar Camoran's Paradise.[73]

Boots of the Apostle[]

Main article: Boots of the Apostle (Item)

The Boots of the Apostle are shrouded in mystery. The wearer is rumored to be granted the ability to levitate, though sightings of them in use have been extremely rare. The boots are considered relics of Tiber Septim and legendary treasures of Cyrodiil. When he descended from the mountains of High Hrothgar, Tiber Septim purportedly came down riding the clouds, striding through the air in the boots, which were gifted to him by the Greybeards for his cunning craft and riddling.[54] The Nerevarine reportedly recovered the boots and sold them to the Mournhold Museum of Artifacts in 3E 427.[74]

Hjalti's Sword[]

Main article: Hjalti's Sword

The Sword was the blade of Hjalti Early-Beard which he wielded in the sacking of Old Hrol'dan. In 4E 201, a restless spirit who fought alongside Hjalti during the battle mistook Freydis Strong-Blade for his old comrade, despite being female. The spirit was unable to rest due to an unfulfilled promise Hjalti had made him: to become his sworn brother after the battle. Freydis retrieved the sword and presented it to the ghost, which finally allowed him to rest.[75]

Old Man's Lucky Coin[]

Main article: Old Man's Lucky Coin

As Wulf, his Imperial aspect, give the Nerevarine during his quest of defeating Dagoth Ur. However oddly, Sabrina Vitellia also has one of these coins which there are no other clues to suggest how she got it.



  • The currency of the Empire, the Septim, is derived from Tiber's surname.
  • His first name, Hjalti, is likely delivered from the Swedish word hjälte, meaning "the hero."
  • Tiber Septim is one of three oversouls that make up the ultimate oversoul of Talos, along with The Underking and Ysmir. It is furthermore theorized that he himself is also an oversoul of the spirits of Hjalti Early-Beard, a Breton, and Zurin Arctus, an Imperial. This is one reason for the contention regarding his race.[76][77][78]
  • The name Talos is of Cretan origin, and means "sun." In ancient Greek mythology, Talos was the name of the legendary living bronze statue on Crete built to guard the island at the command of Zeus (who was worshipped as Zeus Tallaios in Crete). In addition, Talos is similar to another Greek figure, Heracles, as he too was a mortal who ascended to divinity.
  • Talos is also the name of a deity in Forgotten Realms, a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
    • The Talos of Forgotten Realms is also known as The Storm Lord. The name Talos Stormcrown may be referential to this title.



  1. The Ghost of Old Hroldan specified that Tiber Septim and him both learned the way of the sword from the swordmasters of Alcaire.
  2. It should be noted that the last shipment from Atmora arrived in 1E 68, as stated in the Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Other Lands. This occurred 3680 years before Tiber Septim was born, and the shipment arrived largely filled with corpses.
  3. While the Oak Jubilee of Tiber Septim haven't celebrated or the Jubilee wasn't a thing of a event until the rise of the Varian Dynasty, Cyrodilic historians during the Fifth Era, stated that they are no evidence of Tiber celebrated a Oak Jubilee while labeled Tiber's reign is 81 years.
  4. In the events of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Mobile, Blades grandmaster Jauffre stated that Tiber was mortally wounded at the unmentioned second battle of Sancre Tor. However the event were uncertain of Tiber celebrated his 80-year reign anniversary. If the statement is true, the Emperor had chosen to go into the battle at the rapid age of 106, and meant that he never reach the jubilee.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 The Arcturian Heresy
  2. Holidays of the Iliac Bay
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Cyrodiil
  4. Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition: Skyrim
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Varieties of Faith in the Empire
  6. Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dialogue of Dreekius
  8. The Imperial Library: TES1 Arena: Manual Introduction (French)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Brief History of the Empire, Book I
  10. 10.0 10.1 Varieties of Faith, the Empire v2
  11. Year in Cyrodiil: 2E 828
  12. Rulings involving Tibedetha in The Elder Scrolls: Castles
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Battle of Sancre Tor
  14. Year in Cyrodiil: 2E 852
  15. Year in Cyrodiil: 2E 854
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 The Real Barenziah, Book III
  17. Dialogue with the Ghost of Old Hroldan
  18. Dialogue of Eydis
  19. Intro of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
  20. 20.0 20.1 On Morrowind
  21. Year in Cyrodiil: 2E 896
  22. Year in Cyrodiil: 3E 37
  23. Year in Tamriel: 3E 37
  24. Year in Cyrodiil: 3E 38
  25. The Real Barenziah, v4
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Dialogue with Heimskr
  27. The Great War
  28. Dialogue with Thalmor Justiciars
  29. Dialogue with Alvor
  30. Events of "A Lucky Coin"
  31. Events of "Blood of the Divines"
  32. Events of "Pilgrimage"
  33. Events of "The Blessing of Talos"
  34. Events of "Umaril the Unfeathered"
  35. The Great War
  36. Dialogue with Alvor
  37. Dialogue with Igmund
  38. 38.0 38.1 Dialogue with Ondolemar during "Diplomatic Immunity"
  39. Conversations between Thalmor Soldiers
  40. Nords Arise!
  41. Dialogue with Jora
  42. Dialogue with Freir
  43. Dialogue with Heimskr
  44. Dialogue with Nura Snow-Shod
  45. Loading Screen in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  46. Aftermath of "Siege of Solitude"
  47. The Talos Mistake
  48. Dialogue with Imperial Legates
  49. Dialogue with General Tullius following the "Battle for Windhelm"
  50. Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak
  51. Marcella and Miraak
  52. Dialogue with Marcella Varian
  53. Dialogue with Tobias
  54. 54.0 54.1 Dialogue with Lalatia Varian
  55. The Wolf Queen, Book IV
  56. Brief History of the Empire, Book I
  57. Events of "Imperial Dragon Armor" in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  58. Loading Screen in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  59. Warning of the Totem of Tiber Septim
  60. Rise of Reman Varian Vol. I
  61. Events of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  62. Events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  63. Mythic Dawn Commentaries
  64. Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition
  65. 65.0 65.1 Varieties of Faith..
  66. Dialogue with Arngeir during "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller"
  67. The Brothers of Darkness
  68. Letters from a Friend
  69. The Daggerfall Chronicles
  70. Events during "Totem, Totem, Who Gets the Totem?"
  71. Dialogue of Ocato
  72. Dialogue of Jauffre
  73. Events during "Blood of the Divines"
  74. Events during "The Museum"
  75. Dialogue of Ghost of Old Hroldan
  76. From The Many-Headed Talos
  77. 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 19
  78. 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 34
  79. Dialogue with The Prophet
Notice: The following are unlicensed references. They are not copyrighted by a ZeniMax Media company, but can still be considered part of The Elder Scrolls lore and are included for completeness.
Emperor of the Septim Empire
Cuhlecain 2E 8543E 38 Pelagius Septim